Friday, May 13, 2016

Lenin, my Friend: Empowering the Marginal, Restoring Dignity

Veteran journalist Mr. Arindam Roy profiles the life and times of the human rights activist, Lenin Raghuvanshi, who has been working tirelessly to empower and emancipate the lowest of the low among Dalits, the Musahars and Nuts. A caste-driven society that functions on the exclusion of the Sanathan Dharma has to be replaced with the democratic and secular Sramana traditions. He has been
championing the cause of the marginal and the voiceless, restoring dignity and helping them with their identity as respectable human beings.
Please find link as follows:

#u4umanrights #pvchr #dalit #india #bharat #pluralism

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Tireless Service to Humanity

Dear Mr. Lenin Raghuvanshi, Congratulations, you have been featured on Deed Indeed's social platform. ...